Interested in leasing a horse?
Why Lease a Horse?
North Star Stable’s leasing program is set up to give the horse enthusiast a hands on learning experience and a no pressure way to enjoy horses and riding. You will have all the experiences of being a horse owner without the expenses associated with ownership. We offer a friendly, family orientated, drama free atmosphere where questions are welcome and help is offered if needed. There are a wide variety of horses and ponies available for all level of riders. We supply all grooming tools and tack (Western or English). We also offer opportunities to attend lessons, fun shows, clinics, local WSCA shows, trail rides and many other stable activities to those who lease with us. North Star Stable has seen many of its long term lessees graduate to horse ownership! We do NOT offer trail rides to the public.
*Riding lessons, MEA clinic and Kids Summer Clinics have priority on all horses. Lessees will be notified if their horse will be used for stable programs. The exception is the “Exclusive Lease”.
Contact us to learn more about the four different lease options.
Monthly Leases
There are several ways to lease a horse, you can lease a specific horse by signing a half or full lease on a monthly basis. Rates are cheaper if you commit to a 6 month or 12 month lease. The advantages of leasing are that you will be riding one horse of your choosing that fits your riding level and needs. The costs of full and half leasing are minimal considering you are not responsible for vet care, feed, farrier or buying tack and grooming supplies. Lessees are always welcome to use their own saddle if it fits the horse they are leasing.
Exclusive Lease
This lease is geared to the serious rider. If you select this lease you will be the only rider of the horse. Your horse will not be used for any stable activities or lessons.
Full Lease
With a full lease you are the only rider! This is the best lease for you if you want to work on specific skills such as gaming and if you want to form a trusting relationship with your horse for trail riding. It also assures you that when you come to ride, your horse will be there for you! Basically with a full lease you could ride everyday of the month on your leasing fee.
Half Lease
With a half lease you will be sharing this horse with one other person. Half leaseholders work out riding schedules with each other to share the horse they leased. The costs of full and half leasing are minimal considering you are not responsible for vet care, feed, farrier or buying tack and grooming supplies. Lessees are always welcome to use their own saddle if it fits the horse they are leasing.
Punchcard or the “Ride When You Can” Lease
Punchcard leases are especially good for the rider who does not ride often. You buy a set number of rides for an agreed upon price. Your punchcard is good for up to a year or until you use up the number of purchased rides, whichever comes first. You can come when you want and ride up to 3 hours a day. Tack, vet care and farrier costs are covered. This type of program is best for riders that have some riding experience. The downfall of buying a punchcard is that you are not guaranteed a specific horse. You may want to ride a certain horse, but when you arrive to ride, that horse may not be available and you will have to settle for a different mount that you are not familiar with.